Affirmations that will stick!


After reading Hal Elrod’s  – The Miracle Morning I incorporated affirmation into my morning routine. He talked a lot about the power of affirmations.


I knew something wasn’t right and I needed to make the affirmations have real meaning to me


I initially downloaded Hal’s PDF with his generic affirmations on them. Honestly it was a great starting point.

However, I found myself memorizing it and speed reading it – just to get through it. It really had no deep meaning for me.

It wasn’t personal to me.

It took me a while to figure that these affirmations s good as they were weren’t  really for me.

I had to start over and get really personal with what I wanted affirmed on a daily basis.

Here was my process: 

  • Categories – Define the categories in my life that are important right now. I see this as being similar to David Allen’s area’s of responsibility. I wanted to think had about areas that I wanted to change or reaffirm for myself. I ended up with 5.

Here’s mine:







  • Assess  – One by one, go through each category and right down the biggest areas that need to be addressed. I also wanted to note what was working.
  • Maximize – In a as few words as possible but not so few as to lose my message right it down.
  • Keep it alive – I continue to edit it. I keep what’s important relevant to where I am right now.
  • My quest – I ask myself these questions:

What am I going to be remembered for? I ponder this question and always answer it.

Then I ask myself Did I live an extraordinary life?  I always answer  YES!!

  • Quote – I end with a quote. Right now it is:

“Who is mighty? He who has control over his own mind.”


Yes I still keep my affirmations in Evernote! It’s a great place to have them to refer to.

Affirmations are a great tool and making them tailored to you, makes them the most effective.

Small steps in the right directions is my goal. I want to constantly improve my self for all around me. This was another small but meaningful step for me. I know feel connected to my affirmations and they are easy enough to read in a spare moment.

Lastly I want to mention that I see affirmations as part of my goal setting process. These should be intertwined into what your goals are.

Let me here about what you have to say about affirmations on Twitter.